OPINION: Why is the NHS Losing Surgical Talent?

New You Harley Street's Dr Onur Gilleard, one of the standout trainee surgeons from ITV's 2009 documentary series “Surgery School,” has raised concerns about the NHS losing valuable surgical talent. Gilleard is one of only three out of ten trainees from the series still practicing surgery 15 years later. He attributes this alarming trend to financial pressures and family circumstances, stating, "Around one in five will drop out before they become a consultant."

Gilleard, now a renowned Harley Street rhinoplasty and nasal reconstruction surgeon, emphasizes the significant challenges trainees face in balancing their careers with personal lives. He also highlights the financial burdens, noting that junior doctors, including surgeons, often work unpaid extra hours, and the escalating costs of childcare make it difficult to start a family.

For a deeper insight into the issues facing the NHS and Gilleard's perspective on retaining surgical talent, read the full article here.

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