Aftercare and FAQs
Aftercare and Insight
from our Rhinoplasty teamUltrasonic Rhinoplasty - The Piezotome, with Dr. Onur Gilleard
Digital Morphing Tools - How Accurate Are They? with Dr. Onur Gilleard
"How Long Until You See Settled Results?", with Dr. Onur Gilleard
"Cleaning Your Nose Afterwards" with Dr. Onur Gilleard
"How Soon Can You Exercise?" with Dr. Onur Gilleard
How To Improve Your Results, with Dr. Onur Gilleard
What Happens In Your Consultation with Dr. Onur Gilleard
How Skin Type Affects The Healing Process, with Dr. Onur Gilleard
"Will the Tip Drop After Surgery?", with Dr. Onur Gilleard
Benefits of the Piezotome, with Dr. Onur Gilleard
"Who Is Suitable?", with Dr. Onur Gilleard
Aesthetic Harmony, with Dr. Onur Gilleard
"What Makes a Perfect Nose?", with Dr. Onur Gilleard
"Getting Used To Your New Nose", with Dr. Onur Gilleard