Closed Rhinoplasty vs. Open Rhinoplasty

Closed rhinoplasty, a popular and less invasive surgical technique in the realm of cosmetic nose surgery, offers an efficient solution for individuals seeking to refine the shape of their nose without external scarring. Unlike open rhinoplasty, this method involves incisions made solely within the nostrils, thereby eliminating any visible external scars. Ideal for patients desiring changes to their nasal contour, closed rhinoplasty not only shortens recovery time but also reduces swelling and postoperative discomfort. This approach allows surgeons to modify the nasal bridge, tip, and nostrils, catering to a range of aesthetic and functional needs while maintaining the natural look of the nose.

Quick Recovery Rhinoplasty

Closed Rhinoplasty Specialist

Meet Dr. Arda - Watch our 1:30 Video Featuring 10+ Before and Afters!

Our facial surgery specialist, Dr. Arda, is a renowned expert in Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery, specialising in a range of advanced facial rejuvenation techniques. His years of specialist study have enabled him to craft his own hybrid approach to full facelifts and other smaller procedures, ensuring incredibly personalised and precise results.

Widely published, Dr. Arda is cited in over 200 articles related to facial surgery in global papers and studies, and is considered a leading authority on the subject.

Advantages of Closed Rhinoplasty

Closed rhinoplasty offers several advantages over other nose surgery techniques, particularly when compared to open rhinoplasty approach. These advantages include:

  1. Less Scarring: Since incisions are made inside the nostrils, there are no visible external scars. This is often a significant consideration for patients concerned about the cosmetic outcome.

  2. Reduced Swelling and Bruising: Closed rhinoplasty typically results in less swelling and bruising around the nose and under-eye area, owing to the less invasive nature of the procedure.

  3. Shorter Recovery Time: Patients generally experience a quicker recovery period following closed rhinoplasty. The less invasive technique often means less trauma to the nose and surrounding tissues, leading to a faster healing process.

  4. Reduced Surgical Time: The procedure itself is often quicker than open rhinoplasty because it involves less extensive dissection of nasal tissues.

  5. Preservation of Nasal Structure: Closed rhinoplasty allows for the preservation of more of the nose’s natural structure, as it involves less disruption to the nasal framework.

  6. Improved Precision in Some Cases: For certain types of nasal reshaping, particularly those involving the bridge of the nose, closed rhinoplasty can offer more precision.

  7. Less Postoperative Discomfort: Patients often report less discomfort during the recovery phase, likely due to the reduced trauma during surgery.

  8. Reduced Risk of Transient Sensory Changes: There is often a lower risk of numbness or prolonged sensory changes in the nasal skin, as the dissection is more limited.

It's important to note that the suitability and effectiveness of closed rhinoplasty largely depend on individual patient needs and the specific alterations desired. Some complex cases may still require open rhinoplasty for optimal results. We will be able to advise you at your consultation as to the best approach for your specific case.

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