Procedure Time

2-4 Hours



Overnight Stay


Time Off Work

2 Weeks


No Gym 6 Weeks

Full Recovery

3 Months

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Revision Rhinoplasty vs Regular Rhinoplasty

While the ultimate goal of improving the nose's appearance or functionality remains the same, the process of revision rhinoplasty is typically more complex than the original surgery. Due to the alterations made during the first procedure, the revision surgeon faces additional challenges, such as scar tissue, changes in skin elasticity, or alterations to the anatomical structure. These factors often require more advanced surgical skills and techniques.

Why Opt for a Revision Rhinoplasty?

Individuals might consider revision rhinoplasty if they are not satisfied with their initial surgery results, whether due to aesthetic or functional issues. The goal is to restore natural beauty and functionality to the nose. For example, if the first surgery leads to breathing difficulties or an unsatisfactory appearance, a revision rhinoplasty specialist can help correct these issues


What is the Ideal Timing for Revision Rhinoplasty?

The ideal waiting period after the initial rhinoplasty before considering a revision varies based on individual cases. Generally, experts advise waiting a minimum of one year. This time allows the body to heal completely and the surgical results to fully materialise, enabling both the patient and the surgeon to accurately evaluate the need for a revision procedure.

Revision Rhinoplasty Example

We corrected this patient's previous unsuccessful result with a 3.5 hour revision surgery. These photos were taken 3 months after the procedure.

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Recovery from Revision Rhinoplasty

The recovery period for revision rhinoplasty can be similar to or longer than that of the initial surgery, depending on the complexity of the procedure. Patients should anticipate some swelling, bruising, and discomfort for a few weeks following surgery. Full recovery and the final result, however, can take up to a year or longer as the nose continues to refine and take on its new shape.

Ideal Candidates for Revision Rhinoplasty

Candidates for revision rhinoplasty are those who have previously undergone a rhinoplasty procedure and are unsatisfied with the results, whether for aesthetic or functional reasons. It is crucial that candidates have realistic expectations of what the revision procedure can achieve and are in good health to undergo surgery.

Risks of Revision Rhinoplasty

As with any surgical procedure, revision rhinoplasty comes with potential risks, including infection, bleeding, and adverse reactions to anaesthesia. Specific to the procedure, risks may include difficulty breathing through the nose, numbness, persistent pain, unsatisfactory aesthetic result, or the need for additional surgery. It is critical to discuss these potential risks with your surgeon.

Why Choose New You for Your Revision Rhinoplasty?

New You stands at the forefront of aesthetic procedures, boasting a team of dedicated and experienced specialists. We understand the challenges associated with revision rhinoplasty and are committed to delivering the best possible results for our patients.

Our team prioritizes patient satisfaction, safety, and comfort, ensuring each patient receives a bespoke treatment plan tailored to their individual needs and aesthetic goals. We focus on providing the most natural-looking outcomes, helping patients regain their confidence.
Whether you're interested in finding out more about the revision rhinoplasty cost or are ready to embark on your revision journey, we invite you to discover the difference New You can make to your life. Let us help you achieve the aesthetic harmony you seek. Contact us today to book your consultation.

Rhinoplasty Dr Onur Gilleard
Ultrasonic Rhinoplasty

Ultrasonic Rhinoplasty

The Piezotome uses ultrasonic energy emitted from a specially designed handpiece to precisely sculpt the bones of the nose without causing any damage to the soft tissues. This means increased precision, less swelling and a faster recovery.

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