Procedure Time 30 minutes
Overnight Stay No overnight stay required
Gym 2 weeks off before returning to the gym
Anaesthesia Local
Full Recovery Typically 2 months, but varies among individuals and depending on surgical techniques used.
Time Off Work Usually 1 week, depending on the nature of the patient's job.
Lip Lift

What do Lip Lifts Address?

A Lip Lift is typically performed under local anaesthesia and involves making small incisions either directly beneath the nose or along the vermillion border of the upper lip to remove excess skin and lift the lip to a more youthful position. Lip lifts can help address concerns such as thin or elongated upper lips, a flat lip appearance, or a lack of lip definition, resulting in fuller, more balanced lips.

Before and Afters

Lip Lift, Necklift and Facelift

6 months post procedure

Book a consultation

If you're interested in a Lip Lift and would like to know more about how it could work for you, book a consultation today.


While a lip lift does not directly add volume to the lips like dermal fillers, it can create the appearance of fuller lips.

The results of a lip lift are generally long-lasting, as the procedure involves reshaping and repositioning the lips by removing excess skin. While individual results may vary, the effects of a lip lift are typically permanent.

Yes, a lip lift can be combined with other lip enhancement procedures such as dermal fillers to achieve optimal results. By reshaping and repositioning the lips with a lip lift, additional volume can be strategically added with fillers to further enhance lip size, shape, and definition.

During the procedure, patients typically receive local anaesthesia to ensure comfort and minimise discomfort. While some temporary discomfort, swelling, and bruising are common after surgery, pain is generally minimal and can be managed effectively with pain medications prescribed by your surgeon. Most patients find that any discomfort resolves within a few days to a week after the procedure.

A lip lift should not significantly affect your ability to smile or make facial expressions long-term. During recovery from the procedure, you may find smiling to be a little uncomfortable, but once fully recovered you should be able to smile and make other facial expressions with ease.

Who Will Perform the Procedure?

Dr. Arda Kucukguven is a highly skilled European Board-Certified dual-trained plastic and maxillo-facial surgeon specialising solely in facial aesthetic surgery.

Dr Küçükgüven has worked as a consultant plastic surgeon at the famous cranio-maxillo-facial centre at Hacettepe University Hospital in Ankara, Turkey for 6 years. During his time here his specialist interests included research into facial anatomy, facial rejuvenation surgery and complex facial reconstruction.

Dr. Arda

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